How to use the test environment for COPYandPAY integrations.

  1. Go to the documentation at Gateway documentation
  2. In 1. Prepare the checkout click on the Playground tab.
    1. After Bearer enter your own API Auth key.
    2. For the entityId enter your own channel ID.
    3. You can use the other parameters from Gateway playground COPYandPAY data.
    4. Click Try it Out.
  3. From the JSON response, save the values of your checkout id to use later. The id will be something like AF51D29931A8EDF685AAF3A5474083D5.uat01-vm-tx02.
  4. You can also copy the request to create the checkout from the tab in one of the programming languages.
  5. Go to 2. Create the payment form, which will automatically load your checkout ID and integrity.
    1. Click Try it Out.
    2. You can test styling on the. html, css, and js tabs.
  6. Enter your test card details. Click the Enter key on your keyboard.
  7. Go to 3. Get the payment status and click on the Playground tab
    1. Enter the checkout id.
    2. After Bearer enter your own API Auth key.
    3. For the entityId enter your own channel ID.
    4. Click Try it Out.
  8. From the response, get the id of the payment and the other attributes as required.