To use the test environment for SERVER-TO-SERVER integrations to perform a standard request.

  1. Go to the documentation at Gateway SERVER-TO-SERVER documentation
  2. Select Synchronous
  3. Select Preauthorization and Capture or Debit
  4. Select VISA or MASTER
  5. Select Playground
    1. After Bearer enter your own API Auth key.
    2. For the entityId enter your own channel ID.
    3. You can use the other parameters from Gateway playground SERVER-TO-SERVER data
    4. Click Try it Out.

To perform 3DS verification in the gateway test environment, you must make a standalone 3DS request before you make the payment.

  1. Use the Gateway standalone 3DS request with the parameters for a payment with gateway 3DS, but remove the paymentType parameter.
  2. Get the results of the 3DS verification to use in the payment request. You will need the dsTransactionId, acsTransactionId, and verificationId.
  3. After you process the 3DS request, use the standard payment request at Gateway SERVER-TO-SERVER documentation with the parameters for merchant 3DS.

To get the payment status, use the request to get a payment at Gateway documentation asynchronous payment under section 3. Get the payment status.

To manage payments, use the Back office API. See Backoffice API operations

To make a repeated payment with a saved card, see Gateway documentation one-click payment under Step 3.