Capture or reverse a preauthorisation

After you make a pre-authorisation transaction, you can capture it or reverse it.

Capture preauthorisations within 7 days because issuers may make them expire after 7 days.

You can make multiple captures for partial amounts of the PA up to the full amount of the PA.

When you reverse a PA, enter the full amount.

Do not capture or reverse low-value preauthorisations for card registration.

To capture or reverse a pre-authorisation, do these steps

  1. In the navigation menu, go to Payments. The Transactions list displays. If necessary, filter by the transaction's Gateway ID.
    Or near Filters, click the (+) button to use the advanced filters to get the Transaction Type of PA.

    Transactions list filtered to display the PA transaction type

    Transactions list filtered to display the PA transaction type

  2. For a pre-authorisation (PA) transaction, click the GATEWAY ID. The Transaction Details page displays.

    Use the action buttons to capture or reverse a preauthorisation

    Use the action buttons to capture or reverse a pre-authorisation

  3. Go to Actions.

  4. Check the amount.

  5. Beside Capture Amount or Reverse Amount, click Submit. Confirm the amount and click Submit.

The merchant hub captures the pre-authorisation or reverses it and displays the details of the new transaction.

A capture transaction with refund action buttons

A capture transaction with refund action buttons

Recommended Reading

Learn how to use the gateway back office API to capture or reverse preauthorisation transactions