Transaction processing details

The lower half of the Transaction Details page contains the transaction processing, settlement, and dispute data.


The Processing section contains all the information about the transaction, how to identify it in the banking systems, and the response details.

Payment processing details for a transaction

Payment processing details for a transaction

Transaction table

TypeThis is the category type of recurring transactions, which can be Installment, Recurring or Unscheduled. This field is empty for single payments
Entity IDThe identifier of the channel in the gateway
CIT IDFor a recurring payment, the identifier of a the previous customer initiated transaction
Payment ModeFor recurring payments, INITIAL for the first in a series of payments, and REPEATED for any payment after the first payment. This field is empty for single payments
Merchant Account IDIdentifier of the merchant account
FlagsThe two-letter code for a payment type of the associated transactions. See Transaction types

Identification table

Invoice IDThe merchant's invoice identifier
Payment IDThe gateway's payment identifier
Reference IDThe identifier of the previous transaction
Customer IDYour unique identifier for the customer
Reconciliation IDThis identifier connects the transaction in the gateway to the settlement. It depends on the processor. For ACI with OmniPay, it is the short ID of the transaction in the gateway. This ID should be unique per merchant and is used together with the Merchant Account ID and Channel ID.
Registration IDThe identifier of a card registration, when a card is stored on file

Processing table

Connector IDThe identifier generated by the gateway for the acquirer
Scheme Response CodeFor all transactions, if the value is 00, the transaction was approved. For all other values, the transaction was declined. If this value is not present, then the transaction may have been declined before it reached the card schemes
Merchant Advice CodeFor recurring payments, declined transactions may also have a Visa Category Code or Merchant Advice Code. These codes define whether the transaction was hard-declined due to a permanent issue with the card or soft-declined due to a temporary issue. If the transaction is hard-declined, you cannot retry it. If the transaction is soft-declined, you can retry it up to 15 times within 30 days of the soft decline. If there is no Merchant Advice Code, Visa Category Code, or Scheme Response Code, it is possible that the transaction was soft-declined, or it may have failed at the payment gateway. See the tables at Transaction results - Declined repeated transactions
Clearing InstituteThe name of the acquirer
Scheme Response DescriptionA description of the Scheme Response Code
Merchant Advice DescriptionExplanation of the Merchant Advice Code

3D Secure

For transactions that use 3DS verification, the hub displays 3D Secure details.

3D Secure details

3D Secure details

3D Secure table

VersionThe version of 3D Secure with which authentication was performed
Verification ID CAVV/AEVVA unique identifier for the verification from the ACS or DS. You can use the authentication value to provide proof of authentication.
ECI-FlagThe result of the attempt to authenticate the cardholder from the ACS or DS. See ECI flags for 3D Secure authentication
Authentication FlowThe user flow to authenticate the user, which can be challenge or frictionless
DS Transaction IDA unique identifier of the DS to identify a single 3DS verification transaction.
ACS Transaction IDA unique identifier of the ACS to identify a single 3DS verification transaction.


The Settlement section gives the details of the settlement and fees. If the transaction has not been settled yet, then this section is not on the Transaction details page.

The settlement section of the transaction details for PAYSTRAX

The settlement section of the transaction details for PAYSTRAX

The settlement section of the transaction details

The settlement section of the transaction details for Trust Payments

Posting DateDate and time that the payment is made to the merchant's bank account by the acquirer in the acquirer's local time
Settlement CurrencyCurrency that the transaction will be settled to
Calculated AmountNet settlement amount of transaction (settlement amount - fees)
Processing FeeThe fee charged by the acquirer for processing the transaction
Interchange FeeThe fee charged by the cardholder's issuing bank
Scheme FeeThe fee charged by the card schemes
Authorization FeeIn PAYSTRAX, the fee charged by the acquirer for approved DB and RF transactions
Acquirer Reference NumberThe acquirer's unique identifier for the transaction that is recognised by the issuer and acquirer
File TypeWhen the transaction is settled, this a value from the acquirer about the transaction type, such as eCommerce, Credential on File, or MOTO KE
DescriptorMerchant's descriptor that displays on the customer card statement

Dispute section

The Dispute section of the Transaction details is present if the transaction is involved in a dispute, such as a chargeback or a Rapid Dispute Resolution (RDR) refund.

The dispute section of the transaction details

The dispute section of the transaction details

Dispute DateThe date that the dispute occurred
Dispute TypeChargeback or RDR
CB Reference NumberIdentifier of the chargeback
Dispute Reason CodeCode of the issuing bank or card scheme to describe the customer's reason for the dispute
Reason Code DescriptionExplanation of the reason for the dispute
Representment ExpirationYou can respond to this chargeback with a representment before this date and time. This is usually 10-15 days after the chargeback was reported.