Fraud report
The Fraud Report displays details of all transactions flagged as fraud.

Fraud report
To display the Fraud report, do these steps:
- Go to Reports > Fraud
- To filter the report, select from the following
- Acquirer
- For the current period, select Day, Week, or calendar Month
- For the Date Range, you can move to the previous or next period with the back and forward arrow buttons.
- Or select the start date and end date from the calendar selector.
- Click Apply
The Fraud report displays. To display the details of a transaction in a report, click on the Gateway ID. The Transaction Details screen opens.
The Fraud Report summary section displays the following items.
Field | Description |
Count | Total number of transactions flagged as fraud in the period shown |
Amount | Total value of transactions flagged as fraud in the period shown |
The lines in the main section of the Fraud Report contain the following fields.
Field | Description |
Merchant ID | The Merchant account identifier. |
Scheme | The card scheme, for example, Visa , Visadebit , Visaelectron , Master |
Fraud Date | Date of the suspected fraudulent transaction in DD-Mmm-YY format. |
Gateway ID | Identifier of the transaction in the gateway. |
Amount | The amount and currency of the transaction that was flagged as fraud. |
Flags | The associated transactions, such as RG, RDR, FR . |
Updated 21 days ago