Rolling reserves
The Rolling Reserves report displays all transactions related to rolling reserves, including when reserves are withheld, released, or deleted to offset a negative balance.

Rolling reserves report
To display the Rolling Reserves report, do these steps:
- Go to Reports > Rolling Reserves
- To filter the report, select from the following options.
- Acquirer
- MID or Billing Profile, depending on your acquirer
- For the Currency, select the settlement currency
- For the current period, select Day, Week, or calendar Month
- For the Date Range, you can move to the previous or next period with the back and forward arrow buttons
- Or select the start date and end date from the calendar selector
- Click Apply
The Rolling Reserves report displays.
The Rolling Reserves report summary contains the following items.
Field | Description |
Reserves Withheld | Total amount of reserves that have been withheld in the reporting period |
Reserves Released | Total amount of reserves released in the reporting period |
Current Balance | Total amount held in reserves |
The main Rolling Reserves report section contains lines with the following fields.
Field | Description |
Account name | Name of the merchant account |
Merchant ID or Merchant Billing Profile | Identifier of the merchant account or billing profile, depending on the Acquirer |
Reserve amount | The amount and currency of the reserve payment |
Value date | The date the reserve was held |
Release date | The date the reserve will be released |
Payment status | The status of the reserve, such as Held , Released or Deleted . A reserve payment is deleted when the reserve is used to offset a negative balance in the merchant account. |
Bank Ref. Number | The bank reference number is a unique reference number of the acquirer for the payment that will be posted to your bank account. You can use this reference number to find the payment in your bank account. |
Updated 21 days ago