Does CardCorp accept my business type?

A summary of business eligibility requirements

We accept applicants who are:

  • duly organised business entities
  • registered and physically located in the EU or UK
  • operating legal and compliant businesses
  • not posing an extraordinary risk.

As a financial technology company, we maintain partnerships with financial institutions in the EU and UK (called “acquiring banks” or “acquirers”) that establish their own acceptance policies according to their own risk appetites. Each partner has its own approach and may specialise in serving particular business verticals, so where one partner may not have an appetite for your business type, another often will.

Our ability to accept your business will ultimately depend on the acceptance policies and risk appetites of our partners. Still, generally speaking, if your business is eligible according to the qualifications noted above, we should be able to work with you.

Recommended Reading:

  • Check out this article for information about high-risk businesses
  • Check out this article on the underwriting process and why it's necessary

Recommended Reading

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