Disputes report

The Disputes Report displays all transactions related to all kinds of disputes, including chargebacks and RDRs.

Disputes Report

Disputes Report

To display the Disputes Report, do these steps:

  1. Go to Reports > Disputes
  2. To filter the report, select from the following options.
    1. Transaction type that includes All, Chargeback, Re-presentment, Pre-Arb, RDR, and RDR Reversal
    2. Acquirer
    3. For the current period, select Day, Week, or calendar Month
    4. For the Date Range, you can move to the previous or next period with the back and forward arrow buttons.
    5. Or select the start date and end date from the calendar selector.
  3. Click Apply.

The Disputes Report displays.

To display the details of a dispute transaction, click on the CBK Ref Number. The Transaction detailsscreen opens.

The Disputes Report summary contains the following totals.

CountTotal number of dispute transactions in the period shown
AmountTotal value of disputes in all currencies

The Disputes Report lines contain the following fields.

Merchant IDMerchant account identifier.
Chargeback DateDate of a chargeback in DD-Mmm-YY format.
TypeThe type of the dispute transaction, which can be Chargeback, Re-presentment, Pre-Arb, RDR, and RDR Reversal`
CBK Ref NumberReference number of the dispute transaction.
Reason CodeReason for a chargeback, such as 10 or 4837.
AmountThe amount and currency of the transaction