Payment advice
The Payment Advice report displays the payments posted to the merchant or held during the reporting period.
See the Funding report for the settlement period for details of how the amount was calculated, including fees charged.
See Settlement times for details of calculating when a payment will be made for a settlement period and delay.
A payment advice entry is generated for each settlement cycle a day after the settlement cycle cutoff on business days only.
To display the Payment Advice report, do these steps:
- Go to Reports > Payment Advice
- To filter the report, select from the following options.
- Acquirer
- MID or Billing Profile, depending on your acquirer.
- For the Currency, select a settlement currency.
- For the current period, select Day, Week, or calendar Month
- For the Date Range, you can move to the previous or next period with the back and forward arrow buttons.
- Or select the start date and end date from the calendar selector.
- Click Apply
If you have more than one acquirer, MID, and settlement currency, create a report for each combination.
The Payment Advice report displays.

Payment advice report
The Payment Advice report summary contains the following fields. The status of the payment changes when you reach the release date.
Field | Description |
Payments Posted | Total number of payments posted in the period to date |
Payments Held | Total amount of payments that were not yet made in the period to date |
Payments Released | Total amount of payments made in the period to date |
The main Payment Advice section has report lines containing the following fields.
Field | Description |
Account name | Name of your bank account |
IBAN | Number of your bank account where the funds will be paid |
Net settlement amount | Amount of settlement after fees |
Value date | Date of the end of the settlement period for the payment advice |
Release date | Date when the payment will be made into your bank account, which is after the settlement delay |
Payment status | Held or Released or Deleted . Payments are held until the release date. Some acquirers may delete a payment advice to offset a negative balance for your other MIDs. |
Bank Ref. Number | The bank reference number is a unique reference number of the acquirer for the payment that will be posted to your bank account. You can use this reference number to find the payment in your bank account. |
Updated 16 days ago