Funding report
You can use the Funding Report for payment reconciliation and accounting purposes.
For payment reconciliation, the Funding Report displays the settlement amount and how the current payment advice is calculated for the selected merchant account and period.
For accounting purposes, the Funding Report displays the amounts of outstanding accounts receivable and accrued fees during the reporting period.
The funding report is available daily in the merchant hub the day after batching and posting. Depending on the acquirer, it may be business days only or every day.
It shows Transaction Amount - local for each currency and then the total Transaction Amount - Settlement, which is the total of the local amounts converted to the settlement currency.

Example funding report
By default, the report shows the current weekly settlement period starting from the last weekly settlement cut-off date, Tuesday at 22:15 hours UTC. For more details about settlement cycles and when payments are made, see Settlement times.
To display the funding report, do the following steps.
- Go to Reports > Funding Report.
- To filter the funding report, you can select from the following.
- Acquirer
- MID or Billing Profile, depending on your acquirer.
- Currency, which is the settlement currency
- For the Date Range, use the arrows to move to different periods or the calendar selector to select a settlement period's start and end dates.
- Click Apply.
If you have more than one acquirer, MID, and settlement currency, create a report for each combination.
The Funding Report summary contains the following items.
Field | Description |
Opening Balance | The balance at the start of the selected period |
Settlement Balance | The Settlement Balance is the amount accrued until today to be settled in your account at the end of the settlement cycle. (Transaction Amount - Settlement) - Fees - Disputes - RDRs - Adjustments - Reserves withheld |
Payment Advice | The amount of payments posted for the selected period |
Closing Balance | The balance at the end of the selected period |
The main Funding Report section contains the following lines.
Field | Description |
Opening Balance | The balance at the start of the period |
Transaction Amount - Local | Count and amount of transactions in one of the acceptance currencies after refunds are subtracted |
Transaction Amount - Settlement | Count and total amount of all local transaction amounts converted into the settlement currency for the current period |
Transaction Fees - Processing Fees | The fees charged by the acquirer |
Transaction Fees - Interchange | The fees charged by the issuing bank |
Transaction Fees - Scheme Fees | The fees charged by the card schemes |
Dispute Amount | Count and amount of disputes in the period |
Dispute Fees | Count and amount of fees for disputes in the period |
RDR Amount | Count and amount of RDR refunds in the period |
RDR fees | If the acquirer provides the RDR service, then the fees are listed here |
Manual Adjustments | Adjustments for concepts such as deleted payments and uncategorised fees, for example, extra card scheme fees for 3DS |
Authorisation Fees | Acquirer fee charged for authorisations |
Account Fees | Fees associated with the merchant account, such as bank wire fees |
Reserves Withheld | Amount of reserves withheld in this period, which is the reserve percentage of the Transaction Amount - Settlement |
Settlement Balance | (Transaction Amount - Settlement) - Fees - Disputes - RDRs - Adjustments - Reserves withheld |
Payment Advice | The amount of payments posted for the selected period |
Closing Balance | The balance at the end of the selected period |
Download the funding report
To download the Funding Report in PDF format
- Go to Reports > Funding Report
- Filter the report as described above.
- Click Download PDF
The name of the report file is in the format FR_{merchant_acct_no}_CUR_DD-Mmm-YY_DD-Mmm-YY.pdf

Example funding report in PDF format
Updated 16 days ago