Download transactions

You can download a CSV file of the Transactions list for a maximum of 31 days.

To download transactions, do these steps:

  1. In the navigation menu, go to Payments. The Transactions list displays.

  2. Filter the list as required. See Filter transactions in Payments.

  3. In the bottom left corner of the list, click Download. If the Download button is not activated, check that your filter does not include more than 31 days of transactions.

    The download button for the transactions list

    The download button for the transactions list

  4. Select from the following options to include more transaction data, as described in the sections below.

    Add more data to the CSV report

    Add more data to the CSV report

    1. Include Settlement Data
    2. Include Gateway Data
    3. Include Dispute Data
  5. Click Download CSV.

The file will download with a name in the format payments-DDMMYYYYHHMM.csv.

Transaction report sample

Transaction report sample

Transaction details CSV report

The main section of the file has the following fields for transaction details.

Zing Unique IDCardCorp's unique identifier for the transaction
Processing DateDate and time when the payment response was generated by the gateway
Merchant NameName of the merchant
MIDIdentifier of the merchant account
ChannelAn entity in the gateway that identifies where the transaction was processed and the payment flow. It can include risk management configuration such 3D Secure authentication, validation checks, or deny listing accounts
Clearing Institution NameName of the acquirer
Merchant Transaction IDYour unique identifier for the transaction
AmountAmount of the transaction
CurrencyCurrency of the transaction
Payment TypeTwo-letter code for the payment type of the transaction. See Transaction types
Payment FlagsTwo-letter codes for the payment type of the associated transactions. See Transaction types
Card HolderFull name of the holder of the card account
Customer EmailEmail address of the customer
Card BinThe first six digits of the card number
Card Last 4The last four digits of the card number
Card ExpiryThe expiry month and year of the card in the format MM/YY.
Payment BrandThe card brand, such as MASTER or VISA
3D Status3DS or No 3DS
ResultApproved or Rejected
ResponseThe gateway result code or the scheme response code, see Gateway API reference for result codes and Transaction results.
Response DescriptionThe description of the gateway result code or scheme response code

Settlement data

Settle StatusThe settlement status, which can be Not Settled or Settled
Settlement AmountThe gross settlement amount of the transaction after currency conversion
Processing FeeThe fee charged by the acquirer
Interchange FeeThe fee charged by the issuing bank
Scheme FeeThe fee charged by the schemes
Authorisation FeeIn PAYSTRAX, this field displays the fee charged by the acquirer to authorise approved PA, DB, RF transactions
Calculated Payment AmountThe net amount that will be paid, which is the settlement amount - fees
Settlement CurrencyCurrency in which the settlement is paid
Posting DateDate and time of settlement by the acquirer in the acquirer's local time

Gateway data

Gateway IDThe gateway's identifier of the transaction
Gateway Reconciliation IDThis identifier connects the transaction in the gateway to the settlement. It depends on the processor. For ACI with OmniPay, it is the short ID of the transaction in the gateway. This ID should be unique per merchant and is used together with the Merchant Account ID and Channel ID.
Gateway Reference IDThe transaction ID of an associated original transaction. For example, if the transaction is a CP, then the Reference ID is the transaction identifier of the PA.
Gateway Invoice IDYour unique invoice identifier, which is the merchantInvoiceId from your payment request.
Gateway Customer IDYour unique customer identifier, which is the customer.merchantCustomerId from your payment request.
Gateway Payment TypeType of payment in the gateway you are using in your integration, such as DB or PA or AUTH for an authorisation.
Gateway Payment BrandThe paymentBrand of the card in your payment request, such as VISA. MASTERCARD, DELTA, MASTERCARDDEBIT, VISADEBIT
Gateway ARNThe Acquirer Reference Number is a unique 23-digit number that identifies a transaction between a merchant's bank (acquirer) and the cardholder's bank (issuer).
Gateway File TypeWhen the transaction is settled, this is a value from the acquirer about the transaction type, such as eCommerce, Credential on File, or MOTO KE.
Gateway Card DescriptorWhen the transaction is settled, this is the value of the descriptor of your merchant account.

Dispute data

FraudDefines if the transaction is flagged as fraud or not, with values of Yes or No.
Fraud DateThe date of the fraud in YYYY-MM-DD format.`
Fraud TypeCode from the acquirer representing the fraud type, such as 4 or 6.
Dispute TypeType of dispute, which can be RDR or Chargeback.
Dispute Reason CodeReason code for the dispute from the issuing bank, for example, 10.
DRC DescriptionThe description of the dispute reason code, such as Fraud or Customer dispute.
Dispute ConditionCode representing the status of the dispute and the actions you can take, for example, 4.
Representment ExpirationYou can respond to this chargeback with a representment before this date and time. This is usually 10-15 days after the chargeback was reported.

Recommended Reading

Read about reconciliation