Reports overview

The Reports Overview is a summary of cleared transaction activity. It shows all the cleared transactions for the reporting period of a month or a year in one of the settlement currencies and the fees for the whole period.

You can filter to display the overview by Acquirer, MID or Billing Profile, and settlement currencies.

You can download the overview in CSV or PDF format for presentation as part of the financial data for your business. See Download a processing summary.

Reports overview

Reports overview

The graphs of amounts and transaction counts are as follows.

CapturedApproved debit (DB) and capture transactions (CP)
RefundsRefunds of captured transactions (RF)
ChargebacksChargeback (CB) and Chargeback2 (CB2) transactions
RDR ReversalsTotal of RDR (does not include R1R)

Settlement activity section

A summary of the settlement activity for the month or year.

Example of settlement activity section

Example of settlement activity section

Settlement totals

The Settlement activity summary section contains the following items.

CapturedTotal amount captured (with debit DB and capture CP transactions) in the report period in the report currency
RefundsThe total amount refunded in the reporting period
Chargebacks/RDRThe total amount of chargebacks and RDR in the reporting period
Consolidated feesThe total amount of all fees in the reporting period

Settlement lines

The main Settlement activity section contains the following lines.

PeriodFor a yearly report, the period is a month. For a monthly report, the period is a day
CapturedThe total amount of DB and CP transactions in the period
CountNumber of DB and CP transactions in the period
RefundsAmount of refunds made in the period
CountNumber of refunds made in the period
Chargebacks/RDRAmount of chargebacks and RDR disputes in the period
CountNumber of chargebacks and RDR disputes in the period
Cons. feesThe consolidated fees are the total of all fees in the period
Settle balanceThe balance of the settlement after fees

Payment advice

A summary of the payment advice for the reporting period. For full details, see Payment advice

Example of payment advice section

Example of payment advice section

Payment advice totals

The Payment advice summary section contains the following items.

Settlement balanceThe net amount to be paid in the report period
Reserves retainedThe amount of rolling reserves that were retained in the period
Reserves releasedThe amount of rolling reserves released in the period
Payments postedThe amount of payments posted

Payment advice lines

The main Payment advice section contains the following lines.

PeriodFor a yearly report, the period is a month. For a monthly report, the period is a day.
Settle balanceThe net amount to settle after fees are deducted from this payment
RR retainedAmount of rolling reserve retained
CountNumber of reserve payments retained
RR releasedAmount of rolling reserve released
CountNumber of reserve payments released
Payments postedAmount of payments made
CountNumber of payments made