How long before I can accept payments?

A description of the timelines involved in merchant account activation

Merchant account approval usually takes 1-3 business days from the time your application is submitted. If your business is more complex and requires additional checks or validations (such as a license validation from an external regulator, for example) or an opinion from legal counsel, it may take several more days.

Once your account is approved, you can start accepting card transactions immediately. However, at a practical level, you need to establish a connection between your web shop or selling platform and the card networks via your merchant account providers' technical systems.

You can connect with CardCorp integrations from your selling platform to the CardCorp payment gateway via API with a webshop plugin, or you can use a hosted system (like the BillPro billing platform) to send payments. You can set up everything in the test environment in parallel with obtaining your merchant account approval.

When your application is nearly ready, we will provide you with a test account. You can follow our technical documentation to complete your integration in the test environment. When your application is approved, you can easily replace your test credentials with your live credentials.

You can also sign up on our website to discuss your integration options with our payment experts.

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