Display transaction details

Display transaction details and manage transactions

To display transaction details, do these steps:

  1. In the navigation menu, go to Payments. The Transactions list displays.
  2. For the transaction, click the GATEWAY ID. The Transaction Details page displays with the following main sections.
    1. Transaction summary and customer information. See below
    2. Actions with buttons for transactions of these types.
      1. PA (preauthorisation) - Capture, Reversal. See Capture or reverse a preauthorisation
      2. DB (debit) - Refund. See Refund a transaction
      3. CP (capture) - Refund. See Refund a transaction
    3. Processing, settlement, and disputes. See Transaction processing details.

Transaction tab

At the top right corner of the transaction details page, the merchant hub displays the transaction status, cardholder name, transaction type, and amount.

Transaction tab with details

Transaction tab with details

Transaction summary

The Transaction summary gives all the important details of the transaction.

Transaction summary

Transaction summary

It contains the following fields.



Gateway ID

Unique identifier of the transaction in the gateway


Name of the merchant

Clearing Institute

Name of the acquirer

Merch Tx ID

Your unique identifier for the transaction


The entity that receives the authorisation request. Can include risk management configuration such as 3D Secure authentication, validation checks, or deny listing accounts

Scheme Response

Approved or Declined

Reconciliation ID

This identifier connects the transaction in the gateway and the settlement. This ID depends on the processor. For ACI with OmniPay, it is the short ID of the transaction in the gateway. This ID should be unique per merchant, and it is used together with the Merchant Account ID and Channel ID

Merchant Account ID

Identifier of the merchant account

Scheme Response Code

In the production environment, a value of 00 is approved, and all other values are declined.
If the gateway rejects the transaction before it reaches the card schemes, this may be the gateway Result Code; see Gateway documentation of result codes

Customer information

The Customer information section gives the customer details and card details.

Customer details

Customer information


From the Actions section, you can jump to all related transactions and perform back-office actions for transactions.

The hub displays the current transaction with a grey highlight and the list of related transactions. The FLAGS display the type of the related transactions.

For example, here is a card registration with related payments.

Card registration transaction with related debit transactions

Card registration transaction with related debit transactions

To display the Transaction details for a transaction, click the Gateway ID. The hub opens the Transaction details page for the selected transaction and displays the Actions for that transaction. Effectively, you move up and down the main Transactions list by clicking on transactions.

The Actions section displays any actions that you can take on the current transaction, with action buttons. For example, if you select one of the debit transactions, the refund button displays.

Card registration and debit transaction with refund button

Card registration and debit transaction with refund button

If the action is no longer valid, the hub deactivates the button, so after you refund this transaction, you cannot refund it again.

Actions table

The following table lists the actions you can take for transaction types.

Transaction typeActions you can takeMerchant hub documentation
PA (Preauthorisation)CP (Capture), RV (Reversal)Capture or reverse a preauthorisation
DB (Debit), CP (Capture)RF (Refund)Refund a transaction

For API documentation, see Backoffice API operations.

Actions examples

Here is an example of an Actions list for a pre-authorisation (PA) transaction. The transaction was captured on the second attempt and later refunded, as shown by the RF flag.

Actions list

Actions list for PA transaction

If you click the successful capture (CP) transaction, the hub displays two refunds, one which was unsuccessful and one which was successful. After the successful refund, the refund button is deactivated.

Actions list for a CP transaction

Actions list for a CP transaction

Here is an extract of the main Transactions list that shows the same transactions.

Transactions list for linked transactions

Transactions list for linked transactions


For some gateways, the Requests section displays. It includes the REQUEST ID to identify transactions for those gateways.

The requests section of the transaction details

The requests section of the transaction details

Recommended Reading

Make a refund, capture, or reverse transaction. Read about the processing and settlement and dispute sections. Download the information about your transactions